Start With Why - Simon Sinek

Start With Why - Simon Sinek

"Start with Why" is a book that teaches us the importance of knowing our purpose in life. It explains that when we understand why we do what we do, we can inspire others and achieve great things. The author shares stories of successful people and companies who start with their purpose and use it to make a positive impact on the world. It's a book that encourages us to discover our own "why" and shows us how to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life by following our passions and values. Read More
Affluenza -John de Graaf

Affluenza -John de Graaf

"Affluenzer" is a book that will challenge your conventional ideas about consumerism and materialism. It offers you a fresh perspective on the relationship between money, success, and happiness. The book's central message is that by becoming an "affluenzer", you can value experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material possessions. With insightful analysis, real-life stories, and practical advice, "Affluenzer" provides you with the tools you need to shift your mindset and live a more intentional and fulfilling life. The book encourages you to re-evaluate your priorities and invest in things that truly matter, such as meaningful relationships, personal development, and experiences that enrich your life. Read More
The E Myth - Michael Gerber

The E Myth - Michael Gerber

This book challenges the common belief that technical expertise alone is enough for entrepreneurial success and emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to adopt multiple roles, systematize operations, and build strong teams. The overarching theme revolves around the idea that to build a thriving and sustainable business, one must go beyond being a technician and develop the skills of a manager and entrepreneur. By working on the business, rather than in it, and implementing scalable systems and processes, entrepreneurs can unlock their potential and create businesses that are not solely reliant on their personal efforts. Read More
